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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


David Sherman was a thesis reviewer for Julie Laniau (University of Nantes) and member of her defense jury, October 23, 2017. The title of the dissertation was “Structure de réseaux biologiques : rôle des nœuds internes vis-à-vis de la production de composés” and concerned the methodological analysis of metabolite essentiality in metabolic modeling, applied to algae.

Alain Franc was a thesis reviewer for Cyril Noël (University of Pau and the Pays d'Adour) and member of his defense jury, 2017. The title of the dissertation was “Réseaux microbiens de dégradation des hydrocarbures aux interfaces oxie/anoxie des sédiments marins côtiers” and concerned metabarcoding, metagenomics and functional metagenomics of some Bactera and Archea.

Alain Franc was president of the jury for PhD defense of Pierre Blanchard (University of Bordeaux and Inria project-team HiePACS) on February 16, 2017. The title of the dissertation was “Fast hierarchical algorithms for the low-rank approximation of matrices with applications to materials physics, geostatistics and data analysis”